The first Republic Day of RSS

VSK Telangana    27-Jan-2025
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The second Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Guruji addressed public gathering and hoisted the national flag on January 26, 1950. Thousands of Swayamsevaks across Bharat celebrated with jubilation. This is how RSS observed first Republic Day. This also debunks the concocted myths on RSS and Constitution.


Since years, attempts have been made to malign the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) by claiming that it never accepted or respected the Constitution. However, these claims are entirely baseless and do not stand on ground. Today, RSS is the only movement that emphasises on the Constitutional duties when others just talk about rights at any cost. Reports and articles of 1950s edition of Organiser highlighted that the RSS celebrated the first Republic Day on January 26, 1950, with great enthusiasm and patriotism, with many swayamsevaks actively participated with jubilation.

The RSS, from its inception has emphasised the unity and integrity of the nation. When the Constitution of Bharat came into effect, marking the country’s transition to a sovereign republic nation, the RSS welcomed this monumental achievement. Swayamsevaks across the country organised functions, participated in various events, sang patriotic songs and chanted slogans of Vande Mataram to honour this momentous occasion.

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On January 26, 1950, the first Republic eve, the second Sarsanghchalak of the RSS, Shri Madhav Sadashivrao Golwalkar (Sri Guruji), addressed a mammoth public meeting attended by thousands of people from all shades of opinion. He said, “Today, a constitution made by ourselves has been adopted, and even the last link with the British Commonwealth—the Crown, a symbol of British rule—has been replaced by the Ashoka Chakra. We are now no longer bound to the British, morally or politically, and are free to do what our conscience tells us to do.”

‘After hoisting the State flag and salutation, Shri Golwalkar began his address. He paid a glowing tribute to the thousands of patriots who gave up their lives to achieve Independence. In particular, he referred to the achievements of Chhatrapati Shivaji, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, explaining the importance of their work and leadership in the context of history. At a time when even this land of realists was overcome with sorrow and despair after the death of Lokmanya Tilak, Gandhiji came forward and instilled new hope and courage into the hearts of the people, ultimately winning them their freedom. The function concluded with the chanting of Vande Mataram.’ (published in Organiser dated February 6, 1950).

‘The Delhi branch of RSS celebrated Republic Day in a fitting manner. The meeting was held at 8’ o Clock in the morning at the local headquarters and inspite the rainy weather, was attended by over a thousand swayamsevaks. Punctually at the appointed hour Lala Hans Raj Gupta, the then Delhi Prant Sanghchalak of the RSS, hoisted the State Flag and gathering saluted it. After the flagsalutation ceremony, Vasantraoji Oke, the then Delhi Prant Pracharak addressed the swayamsevaks and welcomed the great day of the complete severing of foreign shackles. He exhorted the swayamsevaks to embody a missionary zeal so that the freedom achieved could be made a living reality’. (published in Organiser dated February 6, 1950).

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Vasantraoji said, “Today is a redletter day in the history of our country, for today we have completely removed the lingering traces of foreign domination and have emerged as a sovereign republic. It was, in fact, two years ago that we achieved freedom from British rule. Yet, due either to a lack of confidence in us or an innate complex of dependence, some traces of foreign suzerainty still remained. These we have removed today and have proclaimed ourselves a sovereign, independent republic.”

The Indore unit of RSS celebrated the first Republic Day in a unique manner, showcasing the Bharatiyata of sharing happiness with everyone. The swayamsevaks of Indore gracefully welcomed a large gathering of 2,000 poor and underprivileged people at Subhash Chowk for a dinner party in honour of Bharatiya Republic Day.

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All the swayamsevaks cooperated in collecting freshly cooked food. Each Swayamsevak brought enough for one guest (Sahabhoj). The food was served systematically, and after the first serving was completed, all the guests began their meals simultaneously following a chorus recitation of the Vedic Mantra. Throughout the event, swayamsevaks courteously served food and water to the guests. A large crowd witnessing the event was highly impressed by the discipline and affection of the Swayamsevaks. After the dinner, the guests departed with love and admiration for the RSS in their hearts. The swayamsevaks themselves cleaned up the area by removing all the pattals and donas and washing the entire Chowk in no time.

These were just few events of the first Republic Day which were reported, many such events held across the country on the day. The celebrations by swayamsevaks of the first Republic Day stands as a testament to the RSS’s respect for Bharat’s democratic framework and its dedication towards preserving the spirit of the Constitution.

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These were just few events of the first Republic Day which were reported, many such events held across the country on the day. The celebrations by swayamsevaks of the first Republic Day stands as a testament to the RSS’s respect for Bharat’s democratic framework and its dedication towards preserving the spirit of the Constitution. Till the Constitution was discussed in the Constituent Assembly, many people across the ideological spectrum deliberated or commented on the Constitution including Gandhians and Swarajists. Hindutva or cultural nationalist point of view is not an exception in this regard. Once the Constitution was accepted and adopted, it is our Constitution and all of us should work to make it functional with Bharatiya ethos, was the consensus behind celebrations within and outside the Assembly. The only aberration were Communists and Socialists. As Dr Ambedkar himself pointed out in his last speech in the Assembly, “The condemnation of the Constitution largely comes from two quarters, the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. Why do they condemn the Constitution? Is it because it is really a bad Constitution? I venture to say no.” Unfortunately, Congress later outsourced the ideological mentorship to the same Communist-Socialist groups and they together question RSS on Constitution and Republican values. In fact, the reports of the first Republic Day Celebration in 1950 reveals that RSS not just celebrated the Constitution of Bharat but vowed to make it functional as a sense of duty.