Grievance redressal mechanism

Note : All complaints decided by the Association may be made publicly available including the name of the complainant. However, in the event of complainant has valid concerns relating to privacy issues in making a complaint, the Association may in its absolute discretion consider requests from the complainant for anonymity/ confidentiality.

Declaration - Declaration to be given by the Complainant The facts stated in the complaint are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/we have placed all relevant facts before the Association and have not concealed any material facts; I/we confirm that no proceedings are pending in any Court of law or other Tribunal or Statutory Authority in respect of the subject matter complained of before the Authority; I /we shall inform the Association forthwith if during the pendency of the inquiry before the Authority the matter alleged in the complaint becomes the subject-matter of any proceedings in a Court of law or other Tribunal or Statutory Authority.

All fields are mandatory